The new CRT: A parent engagement solution

The time has come to view parent engagement from a different vantage point. Enter the new CRT—Communication, Relationships and Trust.

I know the acronym is controversial for some right now, but what I am talking about is a shift in focus within our schools that may improve not only how our parents are perceived by school staff, but also inject an understanding of how engagement may look different in urban environments. 

Schools should employ communication, relationships and trust as cornerstones if they want to see improved engagement. Being strategic about what is communicated to and by whom and when, as well as being intentional about building authentic relationships based on trust is critical 

The new CRT relies on being strategic, authentic and intentional. Parents in urban environments do not have time to waste on events that they don't believe benefit them and they can see right through inauthenticity. Let’s commit to the time and work that is needed to cultivate an inclusive and purposeful new CRT while recognizing that it isn't a one-stop solution but part of a comprehensive plan for parent engagement.

We utilized this strategy at an academically failing junior/senior high school and saw a transition from one parent on the School Based Planning Team to parent ownership across both the middle and high schools. Parents now co-lead the Family and Community Engagement Team. 

Give the new CRT a try, your parents are worth the effort!

Lorna Washington, EdD

Parent and Parent Advocate


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