As parents we want what's best!

As parents we want what's best for our children and having the choice of where our children can grow and learn is most important. Whether it’s an environment that provides exploratory learning, or offers culturally relevant instruction, or simply fosters strong character building. All of these represent a snapshot of the possibilities that should be provided in a high performing public school system.

Sadly, many of Rochester’s children enrolled in public school systems do not have equitable access to rigor and excellence. These systems play an important role in the trajectory of our children's future. Strong public school systems should be seen as the cornerstones of viable and sustainable communities. 


As spring is approaching and we begin to look at options for the 2022-2023 school year, we need to visualize how we define strong public-school systems. What is important to you and your children’s learning needs?


Thriving school systems should offer high-quality learning experiences, support families, and engage the broader community as partners to promote racial, economic, and political equity in our society.  As a first time parent of a kindergartener and a proud member of the Rochester community, I believe it's imperative that we begin to equip families with the information and resources needed to select best fit, high-quality education choices for Rochester’s future. 


Below are a few things that come to mind, that we as parents should consider in selecting schools.

  • Don’t discount accountability!  I get it, it's very hard to navigate the public education system and decode “school jargon”.  However, the more we can understand about how the State assesses our schools, the better we will be making an informed decision on school selection. I believe this should be one of the first steps that families take in selecting schools. The New York State Education Department provides Data Report Cards which present information on the successes and challenges of schools throughout the state; a glossary of terms is available here.  

  • Culture and climate are best assessed during visits. A culture where parents are embraced as educational partners, increases the educational success of children.  A good school is one in which students and families feel safe, welcomed, and valued.  In considering schools, we should request to tour school buildings to see and feel the climate and culture that is provided.  Parent engagement and involvement are essential to establishing a collective voice to bring awareness to issues that impact the educational opportunities afforded to Rochester’s children. 

  • Best fit learning opportunities for your children.  We know that school choice is only relevant when it leads to high-quality learning opportunities, and those opportunities are most realized when the needs and interests of children are fulfilled. In selecting schools, families must have access to diverse options to achieve success – i.e. an innovative portfolio of schools and programs to explore interests and skills for life beyond the classroom.

  • School Choice. REMEMBER WE HAVE OPTIONS! As parents we need to exercise our right to choose the best fit option for our children. School choice allows federal and state public education funds to follow the student to any public school of choice. We have a variety of traditional public and charter public schools within the city of Rochester. Do your research and make an informed decision based on what’s best for your children!

You should be informed and equipped with facts to make the best decisions for your children's education. From one parent to another, remember it is your right -- and your responsibility-- to seek the very best education for your children.

Ashara Baker, Parent and Equity Warrior


The new CRT: A parent engagement solution


How do we pick schools for our children?