Our Schools, Our Vision
Every student in Rochester has access to a great school — a school in which every educator has high academic expectations for every student, the power of parents is activated, and where every student feels supported to meet their college or career goals.
As I approach the midpoint in the Rochester Education Fellowship, I am excited to share what I have learned from our community so far. Over the past year I have met with hundreds of Rochesterians to listen and understand what we want and value in our schools.
In Our Schools, Our Vision I offer a synthesis of my findings in the form of a co-created, shared vision along with community-driven priorities and focus areas. Students, families, and educators are united in their determination to accelerate the progress of education in Rochester to the point that every student in every school realizes their full educational potential.
Over the coming months, I will hold community conversations inviting stakeholders to affirm my findings and receive practical suggestions on how we can realize our vision. Your role in this process is instrumental to our progress.
Join the movement!
Nuestras Escuelas, Nuestra Vision
Every student in Rochester has access to a great school — a school in which every educator has high academic expectations for every student, the power of parents is activated, and where every student feels supported to meet their college or career goals.
Nuestras Escuelas, Nuestra Vision
El cambio exigido, impulsado y liderado por la comunidad es necesario para garantizar una transformación sostenible y cambios en el panorama educativo de Rochester. Al involucrar a aquellos que están más cerca de los problemas que aquejan a nuestras escuelas, pero a menudo excluidos de la toma de decisiones, he profundizado mi comprensión de las necesidades educativas de nuestra comunidad. Usando una variedad de métodos, que incluyen entrevistas individuales, grupos de enfoque y conversaciones comunitarias, he escuchado a nuestros estudiantes, familias y educadores. Como resultado de estas interacciones, ha surgido una visión compartida que refleja las esperanzas y aspiraciones de nuestra comunidad y refuerza nuestros valores y objetivos.